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The perfect gift, this silver heart or star personalised initial bracelet is elasticated for easy and comfortable wear with a timeless design making it perfect for every day and special occasion wear.


On 5mm beaded bracelet (choose small, medium or large).


Choose 1 star/heart or 2 stars/hearts.


Option to add birthstone/gemstone or plain heart/star.


Use the text box to let us know:


  • whether you would like heart(s) or star(s) or a combination (if two charms are chosen)
  • which initial(s) you would like included
  • birth month if additional birthstone selected


Additional letters/charms and birthstones can be added beyond those available above - please contact us directly to place your order if you would like to add elements beyond the options provided.

Heart/Star Initial Bracelet

PriceFrom £35.00
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